Carnival in Vallagarina

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The Carnival, secular ritual and crazy party, light up cities and towns palette Vallagarina.

Raise your hand if you know the kids ' Carnival of Flying, with the traditional parade of floats, the bull spit and the Apple fritters of Mardi Gras. Read all about the infamous "The Zuca" satirical newspaper that has always accompanied the Carnival, giving an irreverent portrait on the life of Flying and its inhabitants. Also Saturday, February 25 in Piazza Marconi, in the heart of the historic center of the country, Penne all'amatriciana for everyone. The proceeds from the offerings will be donated to earthquake victims of Amatrice.

The little ones are in trepidation for the children's Carnival in Rovereto with the settlement of mini-junta. On the occasion of handing over the keys to the city from the Mayor, mini-Mayor and mini-giunta will present their program.

The longest Carnival in Trentino consists of all fractions of Moors, with a special shuttle bus to reach the festivities of Loppio!

The Carnival is in full swing throughout the Vallagarina, from Brentonico at Valli del Leno, from Ala-Avio to the Val di Gresta, passing through Isera, Nogaredo, Pomarolo, Nomi, Besenello and Calliano.

Waiting for carnivals and a mouthful of macaroni, pasta, gnocchi, "bigoi co ' the sardines", but also polenta, sauerkraut and sausage, chips and sausage, crostoli, fortaie, music, and entertainment for young and old.



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