Gals ' na volta

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From 2/3/2017 to 2/4/2017 at Teatro Zandonai di Rovereto

Telling a story can sometimes be a necessity to survive a really cheap.
Tell and a way to feel part of an important story, legendary, heroic, almost epic. Usually, the stories, the stories are those that are told to children. The negative connotation of storytelling, the assimilates in lies or at least to things of little weight. But what then is the thin line that distinguishes the telling stories and telling the truth? We do not care if a story and real, but if it is true. The truth does not correspond to reality. The truth you have to create it and and a rich cultural heritage that must be sought and painstakingly built. And what could be more glorious than telling the history of their city? There it is, that certain Segatta, the jester, who will accompany us in this journey back in time in the city of Rovereto, because, although it is true that he was an "asem" in his work, and equally true and indisputable his calling in telling the stories. If his work was firstly to spin silk, in moments of free time giving rein to his imagination by weaving threads of stories, memories, events "de Rovereto" that animated with his brilliant and passionate way. Spinning and weaving plots, narrate … aren't they two activities strictly related? And just like a jester, I mean, encloses in her figure a minstrel, a journalist, a writer, an actor, a singer … and the emblem of creativity to the nth degree.

The innocence of the choir Notemagia, wisdom of Coro Monte Zugna, the humble Majesty of Lizzana and the word of the company of Lizzana will be to create the dream of the poor Segatta, proud citizen Rovereto. A show where music and theater, script and score, notes and words will confuse you in the name of a single goal: to live together "–the story of Roveredo."

Full price € 10 concessions € 8 (over 65 years old, disabled)

Reduced: € 5 (students of primary schools and high schools)

Reservations and bookings:

Starting from 12 December at the Secretary of the society of Lizzana 0464 480686 (Mon-Fri 9-12)


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