Photo exhibition "Suez 1956"

1 minute, 9 seconds Read

Until 1/22/2017 at the Tower of the castle of Rovereto

On July 26, 1956 the President of Egypt, in a speech in Alexandria, Egypt, proclaimed in front of a crowd cheering him on the nationalization of the Suez Canal Company, the symbol of the British Empire in the Middle East.

The British Government of Anthony Eden reacted harshly agreeing with France and Israel military intervention. Israel occupied with 400 paratroops some positions in the Egyptian Sinai killing Egypt's reaction. Franco-British aviation destroyed most of the Egyptian planes on the ground. On the initiative of the United States, which had not been informed of the franco-British initiative, the UN on 5 November he decided a cease-fire between Egypt and Israel, approving sending a peace force. Looking for a substantial result, French and British launched an offensive against Port Sa'id that caused him to occupy the Canal zone.

The USSR threatened to intervene on the side of Egypt. The United States, wanting to avoid a direct conflict with Moscow, forced the British to retreat.

In the Tower of the castle of Rovereto Malipiero, the space that the stock photography Museum, showcasing some shots showing the Suez crisis of 1956. An opportunity to learn about a period of clashes between East and West and a little known fact that has helped fuel the cold war between the United States and the Soviet Union.


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