Urban Picnic

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Rediscover the pleasure of experiencing the urban spaces through unexpected picnic.

Piazza M, Piazza San Marco and Corso Bettini become places to spend time for breakfast, lunch and dinner while sitting on a blanket, listening to music and readings, you discover new things and enjoying good food. If the secret ingredient for proper nutrition is the national, then Rovereto can become a large table that seated to meet new people and new perspectives. A city to be set and to discover together.

SATURDAY 21 MAY FROM 9.00 to 18.00

Urban Picnic | Waiting for the Green night
A day dedicated to the theme of quality food, territoriality and sustainability. Gourmet dishes to enjoy sitting on a blanket in the square, but also events, tastings, workshops and musical moments. Made in collaboration with restaurants, bars, merchants of the town.

Organic market in Piazza Erbe
Bio production market of farmers and food artisans.

The garden in the city
Been to the garden and seed? The organic farm fields to Casetta di Giustino Margoni will show how to plant the seeds, to recognize the plants and their characteristics.

Your cheese
As it turns milk into cheese? And what are the essential tools for your production? Azienda agricola Fabio Manfredi the tells and exposes photos and tools as well as delight the palate with tastings.

Came first the chicken or the egg?
The organic farm Nicola Girardelli square door his chickens and her chicks. In the afternoon drawing workshop
for children with colors extracted from vegetables.

11.00 a.m.: screen printing Lab
Print your shopper with which to shop in town. With Anna SpazioCollective pitches.

12.30 hours: Blue Dean Campbell
Blue ukulele notes Dean Campbell will make lunch time.

hours 15.00: Food in the city. Photography workshop
Workshop to learn how to compose the spaces in the picture with photographer Massimo Giovannini.

The workshop lasts two hours, just a phone with video camera (maximum 10 participants)

from 15 at 17: your bread. Bread-making workshop for children
Learn how to prepare and cook your bread with stone ground flours, along with the source – mountain organic farm of Elizabeth and Oversexed.
(maximum 15 children per lab)

15 hours and hours 16.30: the game of pleasure of extra virgin olive oil Bòtes organic Farm trentino
The Slow Food Vallagarina Alto Garda takes us on a blind tasting of different oils to discover the differences. Special Guest at the farm Bòtes Farm in Arco.
(max. 15 participants)

SATURDAY 11 JUNE FROM 10.00 to 14.00

Urban Picnic | Saturday brunch – Piazza San Marco
Share the pleasure of waking up in days off from work is possible in Piazza San Marco. A "good day" organized in collaboration with bars, bakeries and food shops of the old town for a morning break to share. A perfect time to relax and live one of the most beautiful squares of the city.

hours 11: Happy Vegan Kichen
Presentation of the book "Happy Vegan Kichen". Chat with the author, food blogger Francesca Bresciani of crumbs to Cesca.

hours 12: Cui Bono?
Concert guitar


Urban Picnic | Early summer night – garden Fedrigotti – Corso Bettini
An evening dedicated to those who are still at home, who has yet to leave, who is already back and who will spend the summer in the city. A party in a truly magical location to get together, listen to good music and celebrate the arrival of the new season.

from 19 to 23: Mood Between – Live
Luke Fernandez & Juan Manuel Moretti

Everest Parisi – Dj Set

Balearic Gabba Sound System

Buy the voucher for your square Urban Picnic:

21 MAY
Adult lunch: 10 Euro – includes: organic cotton shopping bags, bread, meats or vegan meatballs,

drink, fruit, coffee

Lunch Kids: 7 Euro – includes: bread, meats or vegan meatballs, soft drink, fruit

Snack: 4 Euro – includes: sweet and juice

With products of modern bakery, grocer's Diddy, l'orto di Pitagora, Snackbar star of Italy, farms of Mercatino del Biologico in Piazza Erbe.

Breakfast: 4 Euro – includes: pastries, coffee and juice

Adult lunch: 10 Euro – includes: organic cotton shopping bags, bread, meats or dish

vegetarian, drink, dessert, coffee

Lunch Kids: 7 Euro – includes: bread, meat or vegetarian dish, drink, dessert

With products from the Café Bontadi, La Bottega de L'origine, roots, Stories of milk.

To give flavor to the precious Stappomatto's Beer – Beer Bar wine bar, Osteria del Pettirosso wines, the special cocktail of Loco's Bar and the culinary 12 track – the stop of taste.

Also during May and June 11 21 days you will find book corner with a selection of texts dedicated to food and gastronomy by piccoloblu Library.

Source: www.visitrovereto.it

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