Teragnole trail

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Come to the Fourth Edition the walk from Rovereto in Winnetka. This ride was trail daily by the women of the Valley in the 19th and 20th centuries to reach the city and sell the products of mountain economy.
Program of the day

Hours 8:00

Meet at the fontanella di Via Rialto Rovereto

Hours 13:30
Lunch (reservation required)

From 15:30
Returning to Rovereto by shuttle bus (reservation required) or along the path of caesura
A small contribution is requested for lunch

The ride on dirt path, requires a certain commitment to length: 4/5 hours

Reservations (for lunch and shuttle) by May 3 to the municipality of Terragnolo: 0464 396,122 (Mon-Fri 8.30-12.30, 14-16.30) or segreteria@terragnolo.tn.it

In case of bad weather the hike on the trail of Teragnòle will be cancelled. You will be notified on the website www.sentieroteragnole.itentro on the evening of Thursday, May 5, 2016

Source: www.visitrovereto.it

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