Sunrise in mountain huts

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01/07/2017-Malga Mortigola, Monte Baldo  

Cheesemaker for a day in the mountain dairy farm Mortigola

Wake up at dawn to milk the cows and see how to make yoghurt, butter and cheese. Then all in mountain huts to make a healthy and filling breakfast!

Here is the program of the day:

  • Hours 6.00 – Let's start to your day! We are all in mountain huts: the place is easy to reach, but not without surprises. Despite being close to the road leading to San Giacomo, we are in an enchanted place, dominated by the silence and the bells of the cows, graze free in the meadows surrounding the building.
  • Hours 6.30 – with Leonardo, the dairyman owns the hut for generations his family Bongiovanni, we begin to gather cows … 1 … 2 … 3 … Here they are all lined up ready to be milked!
  • 8.00 hours – and now we go to work "hard" or clean up the stable: many will be easier and faster!
  • 8.30 hours – with Leonardo we begin the processing of cheese: we turn on the boiler to bring to the right temperature the milk.
  • Hours 9.00 – Marina, wife of Leonardo, who invites us inside the hut for a good breakfast, sweet and salty and mostly healthy: you should know that since last year the ALP is certified organic in every product and processing methodology.
  • Hours 9.30 – but the milk at what point will it be? Will be ready to be curdled? If we're lucky, in the meantime, Mr. Valerio – the father of Leonardo – could you tell us the life of malga di when he was a child. Among other things in one of the structures around the hills, has been converted into a veritable private Museum of Malga Mortigola. Think about it: there are so many original instruments from the early ' 900.
  • 10.30 a.m. – finished making the cheese we can stretch our legs a bit with Nicola, our escort of territory: it has so many things to tell us about the Park of Monte Baldo, its history and its rare flowers. And you know what path we will follow? The trail of the grazing cow!

Some insights to continue the warm and sunny day?


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