The path of peace

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The path of peace is a path that connects the places and memories of the great war on the front of the Trentino, from Passo del Tonale to Marmolada, with a length of over 520 kilometers. Your route is marked with signs with a dove.

This part of the path of peace can be done in seven days.

First stage | Refuge Damiano Chiesa-Mori

From the Rifugio Damiano Chiesa leads down to the mouth of the Creer, go up to the Flat Horns and then, following the path of the vipers, you reach the Passo San Valentino. From here the trail continues on dirt road; you will pass, with gentle ups and downs and sweeping vistas over the Valley of the Adige river, the Horn of fear and mount Vignola (1,607 m, with a deviation of about 30 minutes you can see remains of military artillery emplacements, the arrival of a cableway). From here begins the long descent that day to the valley floor: ignoring the signs for la Polsa, continue to "Puddle" following the forest road passes through the villages of Cestarelli, Saccone, Crosano and you finally reach the center of the Moors.

Second stage | Mori-Ronzo Chienis

From the Centre of Mori you reach Mori Vecchio and follow the signs of the trail "La Lasta-Manzano". The town of Manzano (717 m) is preceded by the beautiful medieval church dedicated to Santa Apollonia, left the country rises mount Nagia Grom, austro-Hungarian stronghold of military artifacts restored by Mori Alpine (recommended deviation calculations about an hour). By Manzano, follow the paved road towards the Valley San Felice, follow it until you meet at a curve, the indication for Monte Create (1,280 m). Climbing along the Valley there are the remains of Castel Gresta, go through the village of Pannone, the chapel of San Rocco and finally we come to the village of Santa Barbara (1,167 m). From here we move on Mount Create, from where you can enjoy a magnificent view on Lake Garda and where, thanks to recent restoration work, you can visit an extensive system of trenches, an Observatory and gun emplacements in the cave. From here you go back down to the village of Ronzo Chienis (1,000 m).

Third stage | Ronzo Chienis-Rovereto

The third stage leads in Rovereto, which boasts the title of "city of peace". The course includes a development of about 17 km. From Ronzo Chienis you reach the peak of Mount Biaena (1,615 m). From the Summit cross, which rises above a cave carved into the rock, home to an artillery emplacement overlooking Rovereto. From Biaena the trail continues downhill; in the first part the trail is steep and steep terrain, then you walk alternately on paved road (the meets just before Step F), roads and paths, passing through Lenzima and Isera, Rovereto, until you get to where you can visit the Italian Historical Museum of war.

Fourth stage | Rovereto-Rifugio Monte Zugna

Stage challenging (gradient of almost 1500 m), but extremely interesting, that leads to the discovery of important monuments and remains of military artifacts.
Great place to start is Piazza del Podestà, opposite the Town Hall and the Venetian castle which houses the Italian Historical Museum of the war of Rovereto. After the bridge over the river Leno, who places in the historic district of Santa Maria, you take on the left a cobbled Street (Alley of the Madonna) leading to the sanctuary of the "Madonna del Monte". Soon you reach the War Memorial housing the remains of more than 20,000 Italian and austro-Hungarian soldiers. Just above, on the Hill of Miravalle, stands the Campana dei Caduti (reachable in about 20 minutes through the trail "walking in Peace"). The military Memorial begins the road of the Gunners with 102 plaques dedicated to "gold medals" Italian artillery; After you reach the Cavern Damiano Chiesa, where the irredentist Rovereto was taken prisoner in may 1916, and was conducted in Trento and there sentenced to death. The path of peace continues now in steady climb and encounters places of fierce fighting: Malga Tof (1,051 m), Zugna Torta (1,238 meters), the area of "Trincerone-Kopfstellung", where in the spring of 1916 he broke the austro-Hungarian offensive known as Strafexpedition. The area, rich in remains of trenches and military artifacts, has been recently cleaned and equipped with signage and educational panels. We then meet Valletta of Saint Lazarus with the remains of the cemetery of St. Matthew and, just beyond, the former cemetery of St. George.

Fifth stage | Rifugio Monte Zugna-Rifugio Fem

From the Rifugio Monte Zugna along the military road until "Peace Park", where you can see the great Valley gutter to collect rainwater built by the austro-Hungarian army before the war and the remains of military artifacts made by the Italians after 1915. The Summit of Monte Zugna (1,864 m, panorama) is located 15 minutes walk while the peace trail continues on military road to the South, up to 1,450 m Passo Buole. Here you can see the Chapel and the Memorial Obelisk Italian Marines who defended stoutly location between May and June 1916. From Passo Buole returns you to rise; After passing the Malga Val di Gatto, the altarpiece of Cherle, Pra del Sinel's (1988 m) and the exhaust supports Grole, you reach the Rifugio Fraccaroli, located at the foot of Carega Peak (2,259 m).

Sixth stage | Refuge Fem-Rifugio Achille Papa

The stretch that leads into the area of the Pasubio can be covered in two or three days ' journey: here is one tactic. From the Rifugio Fraccaroli descend first to Moscow, then to Nozzle Nozzle funds (2,042 m) and finally to Step Campogrosso. From here, on the paved road, continue up to Pian delle Fugazze. Near the pass is the shrine of the Pasubio and an interesting historical museum dedicated to the first army and its commander Pecori Giraldi (the visit is recommended only to those who decide to break the stage into two; who want to complete the stage during the day still must face 800 vertical metres). The route continues along the military road del Pasubio that after the General Gallery of Havet, is remembered as the heroes ' Street. The refuge Achille Papa is 1,934 m.

Seventh stage | Refuge Achille Papa-Shelter Launches

The route includes crossing the Pasubio. On the way you meet the monumental area with the Roman arch and the Memorial Chapel built after the war; continuing towards Harness Command appear numerous remains of trenches, trenches, emplacements. This part of the Pasubio is "sacred area"; in recent years were made important restoration work and there are many explanatory panels. The trail runs along the Ridge: from Cima Palon al Dente Italian (2,200 m), where in 1918 a landmine has literally erased the top; from the tooth Austrian Roite. The nozzle of the strings at the foot of the text, the path descends towards the shelter Launches.


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