The White War

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From 5 May to 25 June the Palazzo delle Albere in Trento hosts "the white war", a new photographic exhibition conceived and organised by National Geographic Italy: over 70 large-format images, taken by photographer Stefano Torrione, to immerse yourself in the scene of a tragic chapter in Italian history: the great war on the front of the glaciers.
The photographer Stefano Torrione devoted three years to follow the line of the face. With the guidance of Marco Garland, President of the historical Commission of the SAT, has reached places with evocative names for those who have studied the Chronicles of war or read the diaries of soldiers-Scorluzzo, Cavento, Lagoscuro, Presanella, Albiolo-in search of the traces left by those thousands of men thrown to live, fight and die in prohibitive conditions, summer and winter, temperatures exceeded 30 degrees below zero.
And found skeletons of huts, trenches, tunnels dug into the rock, walkways overlooking the empty, barbed wire, wood and stone stairs, cannons, rifles, even boots that resurface with the retreat of glaciers; But even the most personal objects of the combatants, photos of girlfriends or cans of sardines, preserved for a hundred years by ice and snow.
In the photographs of tragic and violent signs of an era Tower stand out and blend with the seemingly unchanging beauty of the Alpine landscape.


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